Lying during negotiations - tell tale signs?

10 lying signs when negotiating

Below are just some of the verbal and non-verbal signs to look out for when you’re negotiating. By observing and listening carefully, you will pick up a huge amount of information from the other party. But remember they too can do the same.

Non-Verbal signs

1. Avoiding eye contact

2. Touching the face - mouth, chin and nose

3. Lower body fidgeting – feet movements and shuffling in their chair

4. Swallowing or gulping when under pressure

5. Active hand movements when speaking

Verbal signs

6. Using words like honestlygenuinely and really

7. Failing to recall/recap something they said a few minutes earlier

8. Digressing from the key issues

9. Telling you what something is not rather than what it is e.g. “we’re not inexperienced in this department” as opposed to “we are very experienced in this department”

10. Talking a lot and justifying.

These are just 10 signs to look out for the next time you negotiate.


Janey Thomas